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God by Jesus

4.6 ( 6496 ratings )
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3.99 USD

Why this app?

The aim of this app is to offer a chance to know about the God that Jesus portrayed, who in certain aspects is totally different from the one presented to us. This is a guide for thinking about Jesus God.

Its understandable that numerous individuals of good will might turn away from God, leading to its eventual fading from their lives. This inclination to reject, forget, or not accept often stems more from the image of God that has been conveyed to them, rather than a rejection of God itself.

How to get to know the God of Jesus? By:

- Exploring the location of nineteen biblical sites or choosing the protagonist and their stories.
- Visualizing what life was like
- Discovering the context of the stories reading or listening
- Reading meaningful and short Bible stories and psalms
- Interacting by answering questions
- Writing your own prayers
- Finding songs or podcasts you think are related
- Sharing your answers, your prayers and the names of your songs or podcasts.

To discern the distinctiveness of Jesus God, we encourage you to explore each episode in detail, specially the questions. Its a brief Jesus-story.

Features: in Settings you can read about what the Bible is; change the map type; delete all the text entered; activate/deactivate faceID to access the app, activate/deactivate sharing location, change the language and reload the introduction.

Note: To this day, the exact geographical locations of the scenes in this app are a topic of debate for scholars. With this in mind, we have carefully selected areas we think are likely to be right.

We hope that you will embark on this journey with curiosity, an open mind—and an open heart, too.

Here are some interesting quotes about open-mindedness from some distinguished authors:

"We too often bind ourselves by authorities rather than by the truth." Lucretia Mott

“… open-minded people approach everything with a deep-seated fear that they may be wrong.” From: “Principles” by Ray Dalio.

“Humans should always retain the freedom to doubt, to check again, to hear a second opinion, to try a different path... It is our own human fingers that wrote the Bible, the Quran, and the Vedas, and it is our minds that give these stories power.” From “21 Lessons for the 21st Century.” By Yuval Noah Harari.

“We humans can remain relevant in an era of cognitive computing because we are able to think different, something that an algorithm, almost by definition, can’t master.” From “The Innovators” by Walter Isaacson and Dennis Boutsikaris.

“The truth is, we only become secure in our convictions by allowing them to be challenged.” From “You’re not Listening - What you’re missing and why it matters” by Kate Murphy.

"Why are you helping me? Because people who don’t have questions have blind faith and blind faith is the furthest thing from faith." From the TV show “Lessons in Chemistry” season 1, episode 5.

“The more you invest in a set of beliefs—the greater the sacrifice you make in the service of that conviction—the more resistant you will be to evidence that suggests that you are mistaken. You don’t give up. You double down.” From “The Bomber Mafia” by Malcolm Gladwell.

“I hear Socrates say. Keep asking. The road to wisdom is paved with good questions.” From “The Geography of Genius” by Weiner, Eric.

“The future belongs to the curious. The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.” From “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions” by John C. Maxwell.

Data Disclaimer:

We share the values of respect, honesty, responsibility and justice.

We do not collect or share any of your personal information. Anything you choose to save in the app will remain on your device and on your iCloud space. You are the sole proprietor and can disable/delete it at any time.

Language Support:
- English
- Spanish